"Isra... Isra... Isra!!!"
For the fourth time this week Mrs. Thompson was snapping her fingers in my face, trying to get my attention; I CANT HELP IT SCHOOL IS JUST SO BORING!
I looked up and around the room to find everyone staring at me, like I had just killed a thousand people. Then I found an infuriated teacher who glared at me with wide eyes that were smothered with eyeliner, mascara, and BRIGHT pink eyeshadow.
"Detention will be waiting for you today"
Well, I'm definitely gonna be soul destroyed today. That was my fourth detention for the week; and probably the 350th time in the school year.
Just as I was going to the naughty corner, (yes, that's right, I'm 13 and I still have to be put in the naughty corner) there was a bright light in the corner of my eye. I turned to investigate.
It's coming from behind the whiteboard!? Who puts a light behind a whiteboard!?
I interrupt a math session and accidentally rubbed off the complicated math equation that is "Oh so easy!"
I touched the glowing purple light until... BOOM!
The whiteboard slid to the right like a sliding door.
There inside that whiteboard sitting on a glowing purple chair was someone everyone hated, someone I hated, someone called Justin Bieber.
It speaks
"Greetings fellow earthling."
Woah he really is a geek.
"You no like detention?"
I nodded
"Come with me then! To a secret place called Narnia!"
He held out his hand and waited for a reply.
Well... I could face that I'll be expelled sooner or later... Or I could leave this place and go to my dreamland!
"See ya nerds! I'm out!"
I took his hand and jumped inside a room filled with nothing but blackness.
The loser ditched me!
I walked around the room for a while until...
I was lying in a hospital bed, clueless, not knowing what happened. I looked to my right and found my mum.
"Why am I here?"
"You ran into the whiteboard because you thought Justin Bieber was somehow inside it."
"And you were expelled."
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