Sunday, 11 December 2011
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
We'll the last week of school is upon us and what a busy two and a half days we have.
On Monday evening we have the year leavers' dinner at Speights Ale House.
On Tuesday at 7pm the final Mass and prize giving.
On Wednesday at 11am our school carol service to which every one is very welcome.
We also have got a teachers versus the Room 5 boys cricket game to fit in around Mass practice, finishing the leavers' board, the year 8 'circle of friendship' and a practice for the carol service. So there won't be a dull moment to be had.
I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your continued support through this year of 'extraordinary circumstances'. Our St Mary's students have managed themselves so well and so many visitors to our school have commented on the
leadership that is so evident amongst our senior students. As a staff we value this leadership as it not only makes our job of teaching easier,it also makes it so much more enjoyable. I am going to miss the year 8s so much next year and I know that they are going to be superb citizens; people we'll be proud to have taught.
Wishing you all a happy and holy Christmas,
God bless
Kathleen Bradley
Friday, 9 December 2011
Room 5 receiving their Mathletics awards.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Monday, 28 November 2011
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
The Red Cross Visit
Today Janita from the Red Cross visited our school to tell us about services which help us in times of disasters. hopefully we won't be having any more but every family in our school was given a solar powered radio/torch which also has access to charge a cell phone. We are so fortunate that therenare services like the Red Cross to look after us and we are very grateful for their gift.

- Posted by Mrs Bradley

- Posted by Mrs Bradley
Monday, 14 November 2011
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Week 4
I hope you have all had a wonderful show weekend and have done things you don't usually do during a two day weekend.
This week is going to be another busy one. The teachers are not mentioning the netball final! The students won last week on sheer intelligence and cunning and are not taking things for granted this time. But students beware; nor are the teachers.
The French story books Room 5 are producing are second to none. I can't believe the standard of art every student is producing and the Room 1&2s are really going to appreciate all the hard work.
We had visits from several Secondary school ex pupils of St Mary's last week. It is always awesome to see them back at school growing into such remarkable young men and women and the way they speak of their primary schooling makes me feel so grateful to have had the pleasure of teaching these fine young people.
We are continuing with our careers unit this week. Do ask your children to give you feedback on this unit, you might be surprised by the maturity and well thought out ideas your offspring have.
Keep well and enjoy the busy lead up to the Christmas season,
God Bless
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
This week is going to be another busy one. The teachers are not mentioning the netball final! The students won last week on sheer intelligence and cunning and are not taking things for granted this time. But students beware; nor are the teachers.
The French story books Room 5 are producing are second to none. I can't believe the standard of art every student is producing and the Room 1&2s are really going to appreciate all the hard work.
We had visits from several Secondary school ex pupils of St Mary's last week. It is always awesome to see them back at school growing into such remarkable young men and women and the way they speak of their primary schooling makes me feel so grateful to have had the pleasure of teaching these fine young people.
We are continuing with our careers unit this week. Do ask your children to give you feedback on this unit, you might be surprised by the maturity and well thought out ideas your offspring have.
Keep well and enjoy the busy lead up to the Christmas season,
God Bless
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Show week begins
Dear All
I hope this short week is going to be as warm and sunny as it was today. I always look upon Show week as the beginning of the warm and reliable weather. We have our school photos being taken on Tuesday. Remember to fill in your little form if you want a family photo taken and send it back to school. Nearly all of the camp forms have been returned to school. It's funny how these forms don't languish in the school bags isn't it.
This week Room 5 will be continuing to work on their French story books. I have been most impressed with the art work I have seen and I'm sure the Rooms 1 & 2 will be too when they have them read to them.
As Maria wrote in the blog last week the staff won the netball game. This I am sure was more due to the length of Mr O'Neill's arms and the height of us compared to the students rather than our superior skill. We're having another game this week presuming our creaky bodies last that long. ( there will be cries of 'speak for yourself' I imagine )
We are revising the four operations with fractions in Maths this week. Fractions are always a sticking point and the more practice the students get the more confident they become.
I hope all goes well this week for you and your families,
God bless,
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
Friday, 4 November 2011
Seniors vs Teachers!
Today Room 5 netball team versed the teachers in a round of netball. The teachers won by 10 points but that is not all. We have decided to have 2 more rounds to make it the best of three. Good luck to the students next Thursday.
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
Monday, 31 October 2011
Week two
Welcome to a new week and the beginning of November.
A notice concerning camp went home today. We would appreciate these to be filled in and returned to school as soon as possible.
There is a school Mass tomorrow; All Saints' Day. Everyone is of course welcome to join us at 12 noon.
The Room 5 students have been enjoying debating over the last week. It was very amusing to see mixed teams debating the topic: 'that girls talk more than boys'. Naomi summed it up well for her team stating 'that the topic is sexist anyway and neither boys nor girls talk more' Tomorrow the topic under discussion is the desirability of school uniforms. Sadly for some it won't make any difference to St Mary's policy on school uniforms.
The annual year 8 versus the teachers netball game is taking place, weather permitting, on Friday lunch time. There has been sharpening of claws taking place secretly. Both sides are quite confident of winning. No fools like old fools. But who knows........ We promise there will be no eye gouging!
I hope your week goes well,
Regards and God bless
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
A notice concerning camp went home today. We would appreciate these to be filled in and returned to school as soon as possible.
There is a school Mass tomorrow; All Saints' Day. Everyone is of course welcome to join us at 12 noon.
The Room 5 students have been enjoying debating over the last week. It was very amusing to see mixed teams debating the topic: 'that girls talk more than boys'. Naomi summed it up well for her team stating 'that the topic is sexist anyway and neither boys nor girls talk more' Tomorrow the topic under discussion is the desirability of school uniforms. Sadly for some it won't make any difference to St Mary's policy on school uniforms.
The annual year 8 versus the teachers netball game is taking place, weather permitting, on Friday lunch time. There has been sharpening of claws taking place secretly. Both sides are quite confident of winning. No fools like old fools. But who knows........ We promise there will be no eye gouging!
I hope your week goes well,
Regards and God bless
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
Friday, 28 October 2011
Thursday, 27 October 2011
A Fantastic Music Festival
Weren't our students awesome! It was great to see all 2000 school students so enthusiastic and happy at the Music Festival last night. Everyone thought the excitement generated by such a variety of music made it a wonderful experience for both performers and audience. It's interesting and rather flattering to heat people comment on 'the wonderful behavior of the students from Catholic schools' it's nice to know we're being noticed for such positive things.
Congratulations to Junior and Michelle. We're so proud of you for representing our great school in the Special Choir.
Room 5 are learning how to debate this week. It's really tricky trying to convince your friends to agree with your side of the argument.
I was especially proud of some of our year 8s today. They realized that Mr O'Neill had not yet made a roster for leading assembly this term and took it upon themselves to do it and get things organized for tomorrow morning, leading the Rosary as well as taking assembly. These are the skills that are not examined or itemised in the school curriculum that are invaluable and will make our school students exemplary citizens and leaders of the future.
Hoping your days are happy and filled with smiles
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
Congratulations to Junior and Michelle. We're so proud of you for representing our great school in the Special Choir.
Room 5 are learning how to debate this week. It's really tricky trying to convince your friends to agree with your side of the argument.
I was especially proud of some of our year 8s today. They realized that Mr O'Neill had not yet made a roster for leading assembly this term and took it upon themselves to do it and get things organized for tomorrow morning, leading the Rosary as well as taking assembly. These are the skills that are not examined or itemised in the school curriculum that are invaluable and will make our school students exemplary citizens and leaders of the future.
Hoping your days are happy and filled with smiles
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
Monday, 24 October 2011
Welcome back
I hope everyone had a super break and you are all ready for the final weeks of the school year. They promise as always to be very busy. This week, on Wednesday, of course we have the Music Festival. I am sending a note home with the tickets tomorrow(Tuesday ) about where to meet etc. It should be a thrilling concert. We have a rehearsal on Wednesday morning so students need to be at school by 8.45 that day.
Other dates to watch for this term are: 1st November All Saints Mass 12 noon. 8th Nov school photos.20th Nov First communion Mass. 23rd 25th Nov Room 5 camp.
As always if you have any queries or concerns please feel free to pop in and see me.
And of course didn't the All Blacks do brilliantly AND so did the Silver Ferns!!
I'm to refrain from saying 'we'.
God Bless
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
Other dates to watch for this term are: 1st November All Saints Mass 12 noon. 8th Nov school photos.20th Nov First communion Mass. 23rd 25th Nov Room 5 camp.
As always if you have any queries or concerns please feel free to pop in and see me.
And of course didn't the All Blacks do brilliantly AND so did the Silver Ferns!!
I'm to refrain from saying 'we'.
God Bless
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
Friday, 7 October 2011
Have a wonderful holiday
I hope you all have a great break. Keep well and stay safe. Come back refreshed and full of life for an awesome term 4. Thank you, parents, for getting the payments in for the MusicFestival. Every single dollar was paid. We really appreciate that. The tickets will come home with the students on Tuesday 25th Oct for the concert the next evening. There will also be a notice about pick up places and times at the Arena.
All the best see you in a couple of weeks,
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
All the best see you in a couple of weeks,
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley
The Teachers
For ALL the St Mary's teachers! THANK YOU!!!
Mrs Mac Donald in room one
Always made learning
Heaps of fun!
And also Miss Williamson too
Helped us learn the sounds for
The words like choose!
In room two
Miss Madden was there
With her nice long, blonde hair!
Mrs Anthony in room three
Had to leave halfway through
To have a baby!
Mrs Wilkens in room four
Always has a smile
When she walks through the door!
Finally in room five Mrs Bradley
Stands with pride, as she farewells us
After completing a job well done!
And also not to forget the princepal
Of the school, Mr O' Neill who takes
Us on camp and brings Mr Whippy to school!
By: Zoe Rodricks
Mrs Mac Donald in room one
Always made learning
Heaps of fun!
And also Miss Williamson too
Helped us learn the sounds for
The words like choose!
In room two
Miss Madden was there
With her nice long, blonde hair!
Mrs Anthony in room three
Had to leave halfway through
To have a baby!
Mrs Wilkens in room four
Always has a smile
When she walks through the door!
Finally in room five Mrs Bradley
Stands with pride, as she farewells us
After completing a job well done!
And also not to forget the princepal
Of the school, Mr O' Neill who takes
Us on camp and brings Mr Whippy to school!
By: Zoe Rodricks
For ALL the teachers!
You've helped us
Every step of the way
From room one shaping us
into the people we've become today.
It's awesome how you've helped
Every single one of us
Through all the good times
and the rough!
I guess what I am trying to say
Is thank you for helping us
Become who we are today!
By:Zoe Rodricks
You've helped us
Every step of the way
From room one shaping us
into the people we've become today.
It's awesome how you've helped
Every single one of us
Through all the good times
and the rough!
I guess what I am trying to say
Is thank you for helping us
Become who we are today!
By:Zoe Rodricks
As soon as I go to bed
After all my toys are put away
They always come out to play again!
Once they're sure everyones asleep
They'll run and jump all around
Managing not to drop anything down.
They'll play some tricks on my dad
And maybe even tie up Tad.( my little brother)
But then when a ray of sunlight sparkles on in
They all fall asleep
Even if they're in the cookie tin!
So if the next day
Your solar system's in a spin
You'll know the toys are out of the box
And it's going to be hard to get them back in!
By: Zoe Rodricks
As soon as I go to bed
After all my toys are put away
They always come out to play again!
Once they're sure everyones asleep
They'll run and jump all around
Managing not to drop anything down.
They'll play some tricks on my dad
And maybe even tie up Tad.( my little brother)
But then when a ray of sunlight sparkles on in
They all fall asleep
Even if they're in the cookie tin!
So if the next day
Your solar system's in a spin
You'll know the toys are out of the box
And it's going to be hard to get them back in!
By: Zoe Rodricks

My culture
Kia Ora bro, my name is Cameron, and this is my culture. My culture is Maori/European. My mum is Maori and my dad is British. I was born and raised right here in Christchurch. My mums family have been living here in new Zealand for generations. But on my dads side I am a first generation kiwi. That is my culture, and I'm proud of it !
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Room 5(and James) having a wonderful time skateboarding this afternoon. There were a few bangs and bumps but most were convinced it was worth it.
- Posted by Mrs Bradley

Tsuyoshi, Daniel and Cameron getting fitted out.

Zoe,Claudia,Olivia and Shweta making sure their wrists are protected.

Maria putting her boots on.

Almost mastered the skill!!!!

Perhaps a video would have captured the speed better.

James ready for action.

Bobby Jo attempts the ramp.

Oh dear!

Alice takes off with confidence.
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