Sunday, 6 November 2011

Show week begins

Dear All

I hope this short week is going to be as warm and sunny as it was today. I always look upon Show week as the beginning of the warm and reliable weather. We have our school photos being taken on Tuesday. Remember to fill in your little form if you want a family photo taken and send it back to school. Nearly all of the camp forms have been returned to school. It's funny how these forms don't languish in the school bags isn't it.

This week Room 5 will be continuing to work on their French story books. I have been most impressed with the art work I have seen and I'm sure the Rooms 1 & 2 will be too when they have them read to them.

As Maria wrote in the blog last week the staff won the netball game. This I am sure was more due to the length of Mr O'Neill's arms and the height of us compared to the students rather than our superior skill. We're having another game this week presuming our creaky bodies last that long. ( there will be cries of 'speak for yourself' I imagine )

We are revising the four operations with fractions in Maths this week. Fractions are always a sticking point and the more practice the students get the more confident they become.

I hope all goes well this week for you and your families,

God bless,

Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley

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