I hope you have all had a wonderful show weekend and have done things you don't usually do during a two day weekend.
This week is going to be another busy one. The teachers are not mentioning the netball final! The students won last week on sheer intelligence and cunning and are not taking things for granted this time. But students beware; nor are the teachers.
The French story books Room 5 are producing are second to none. I can't believe the standard of art every student is producing and the Room 1&2s are really going to appreciate all the hard work.
We had visits from several Secondary school ex pupils of St Mary's last week. It is always awesome to see them back at school growing into such remarkable young men and women and the way they speak of their primary schooling makes me feel so grateful to have had the pleasure of teaching these fine young people.
We are continuing with our careers unit this week. Do ask your children to give you feedback on this unit, you might be surprised by the maturity and well thought out ideas your offspring have.
Keep well and enjoy the busy lead up to the Christmas season,
God Bless
Kathleen Bradley
- Posted by Mrs Bradley