Monday, 25 February 2013

Where was Maggie when she was supposed to be at school?

Maggie and I are sitting together. Maggie is the craziest, funniest, coolest, prettiest girl in the world. And she's my best friend. I'm looking out a window seeing waves crash against the rocks. We're in a little shack by the sea. She stands and suddenly we are in the Pacific Ocean fighting a great storm standing in a tiny lifeboat. Maggie goes under and I try to grab her hand but there's a big wave and it- wait that's weird, someone's calling my name. " Lucy. " "Lucy." " LUCY! " My eyes flicker open and my teacher is right in my face, spittle flying out of her mouth. I fell asleep in her boring math class again. She starts a big lecture, her fat stomach bouncing up and down.
" So you think you can get away with taking a nap in my class do you?" Miss Aubrey's voice goes on and on and on. Maggie's away again. She's known for bunking but it's been three weeks now. She's hasn't been replying to any of my texts or my messages on Facebook, I'm starting to get worried. Suddenly I snap back into the present and hear Miss Aubrey shouting at me, her onion breath seeping into my nose. " My my Lucy, you'd think you don't have a bed. How about you take a wee nap, IN DETENTION!"
Finally it's time to go home. As I'm walking I try to call Maggie. "Hey " says Maggie, "Maggie Maggie, where have you-" " sorry I can't reach you right now but leave a message after the beep." "Where are you Maggie?" I wonder. Home's pretty miserable so I decided to go over to her house. It looks like no one's lived there for years and years. The door's slightly of its hinges, grass is un mowed, paint is peeling, all the curtains are pulled, and the usually welcoming sun is absorbed behind clouds.
I walk cautiously towards the broken door and push it open, it makes an eerie creek. Inside the situation is worse! Everything has been pulled down and smashed. In the kitchen the hot water tap is running. I flick it off and explore the house some more. Eventually I reach the basement trap door. It's open.
Climbing down the steps I see black hand prints on the walls. I close my eyes and see Maggie and her family being dragged down the steps, screaming and kicking. They're being dragged by a hooded man. The lights start to flicker and I'm soon in darkness. As I travel I have a television in my head showing me Maggie and her family. Each time I accidently touch the wall I feel a cold hand touch my shoulder. Tears start cascading down my cheek but I have sudden hope when my foot isn't on uneven turf but on flat ground.
Someone grabs my shoulder and I hear a breath. I whip around but my eyes haven't adjusted yet so all I see is darkness. A new television screen blips on in my head and my life starts flashing before me. The person grabs my throat and I try to pull it off but- its so warm, warm and cosy? I roll over in my lovely bed- wait how am I in my bed? My eyes open and i realize it was a dream. At school Maggie meets me and everything comes back to normal.

Lucy Sparks

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Samantha is writing the story of the week for Monday morning

Every Monday morning at assembly every class will pick one student to read their story for the story of the week. These stories are published on the class blog for everyone to read. This week's story title is 'Where was Maggie when she should have been at school ?'

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Thursday, 14 February 2013

What happened after the fat cat got stuck in the honey pot?

What happened after the fat cat got stuck in the honey pot?
By Zora Rodricks

“Angus you are incredible!”I don’t know how and frankly I don’t want to know how, but he managed to get most of his head stuck in a jar. But not just any jar. No it had to be the honey jar. This is not gonna be pretty. Why couldn’t he be like a normal cat, chasing birds outside. He had to be him and go chase spiders into honey jars. But I can’t blame him; my whole family’s nuts.
Angus is sort of rabid so I can’t go near him unless I want future facial reconstruction. Jumping on the sofa I decide to wait till mum gets home. (Better her than me) Angus isn’t fazed by the jar and curls up on my lap. DAMN!!! ‘ Move slowly and try not to wake him!’ My phone is on the table and I can nearly reach it. Just a few more inches. Already I can feel his claws digging into my legs. Thank god almighty! A miracle, mum’s high heels clicking on the floor.
Walking into the room she takes in the scene. “Oh honey, don’t move I’ll get the fish!” I feel like screaming as she manages to lure him off me into the kitchen. Grabbing the pot she desperately tries to get it off. She grabs a stick of butter and greases him up. A loud pop rings out as the jar comes off. Angus sits there and starts licking himself. Now time for a bath. All hell is about to break loose. I’m out of here. J

Monday, 11 February 2013

Lucy and Conor with their compounds water and sugar

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Room 5 constructing compounds

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Year 8's first assembly

Today the 7th of Febuary the year 8's had their first assembly for the year. Which were managed by Enrico, Keisha and Rutendo. Room five won tidy monkey this week. Next week Zora, Zachary and Luke is managing assembly.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

When will the bee ever rest?

Well you see bees didn't used to exist; there were only ants, butterflies humans and other wild animals.

The ants and the butterflies were at war.They had been arguing because the bees had been storing food for the winter, while the butterflies were doing nothing and then when it was winter the butterflies would eat all of the food but that was about to change. A young ant named Bernard and a young butterfly named Butterscotch were in love but it was forbidden for ants and butterflies to be in love. When the other ants and butterflies found out they decided to lock Bernard and Butterscotch in the dungeon for life.

Bernard tried persuading them otherwise and after an hour of persuading they came to a decision.

They decided to make peace not war. Bernard and Butterscotch got married and had 3 interesting children, but the children weren't ants or butterflies they were black and yellow like zebras with wings.

But that's not all Bernard and Butterscotch decided to call their children bees because both the parents names started with the letter B.

The bees population grew and the bees decided that they would work until the job was done so that no more would happen.

By Rutendo Maponga :)
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Location:Manchester Street,Christchurch,New Zealand

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Wait anti day Celebrations at St Mary's

Here are a heap of photos of all the many different cultures we have at St Mary's.
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Location:Manchester Street,Christchurch,New Zealand

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Monday, 4 February 2013

Room 5's art

Friday we did art with Mrs Moyle and this is what we came up with...

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Location:Colombo St,Christchurch,New Zealand

Friday, 1 February 2013

How are you getting to school tomorrow?

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"Wake up! "Wake up!" Wake up"! My super hygienic tottally annoying brother screams at me "time for school idiot. Mum said to wake you up cause your late. So mooooove out." Yeah he's in the army. "Hup two hup two hup two! Eat your breakfast now!"
After breakfast I hopped in the car and drove to the space station, "we're going to the space station stupid!"
" WHY?" I asked, confused.
"Mum moved your school to Mars, and all your friends too! All your friends are waiting for you so get into the shuttle!NOW"
I shot into the shuttle and blasted off to Mars. That is how my super hygienic totally annoying brother took me to school!
By Zac Norris