Monday, 9 September 2013

Who Is The Big Bad Wolf Afraid Of?

I grab my shotgun. The big bad wolf is hunting tonight. The scariest  creature in the world. Fighting my worst fear. I step out of  my cottage, in the middle of the woods. A cold wind brushes against my back. My hair stands up. Who knows what's going to happen tonight. I step forward in the crunchy snow. I hear a rustle and spin around. A bunny jumps out. I keep on walking.
After a while I hear another sound. He's here. I know it. I hear his gullumfing feet patter against the ground. He's running. I turn around and shoot at the trees. It's silent. He knows I'm here too.

I am shaking. Why did I even come here? He takes another step forward. I guess he's trying to be sneaky, but I hear him all the same. I see his silhouette on the white snow. He's about to attack.

He lunges out. He's wearing his big snow hat. His big snow boots. His big snow jacket... My worst fear is him. The human.

I fumble with my shotgun and shoot again. It completely misses. He takes a few steps forward and loads his rifle. I whimper and run up a tree. He shoots the branch as I jump to a new one. I know I have face my fears if I'm going to save my family. I pounce down on top of him. He try's to kick me off but I hold tight. I pull up one arm, ready to strike. He struggles out of my grin and slams my head on the cold snow. Black out.

When I wake up I'm tied to a stick. I hear the human village singing. The men are carrying me to a large stage. As they walk up the steps I see a big pot. It's full of boiling water. I know what's going to happen next. It happened to my great grandfather. The saddest day of my life.

I can't have the same thing happen to me. I bite one of their hands. It drops the stick. The rope loosens. I dart onto the roof of one of their house's. Everyone's screaming. I howl at the moon, and jump down the chimney. There is a wife and children sitting huddled on the couch. The husband runs in the door and huddles the wife and children behind him. It reminds me of my wife and kids when the humans came and stormed our house.

I feel pity and put my hands up. The man holds up his gun and maneouvers me to the door. I open the door slowly and creep out. Every single man has a gun pointed at me. I slowly walk out of the village. As I am walking past the village gates someone drops their gun. It fires, straight at my foot. Was it on purpose?

Sunday, 8 September 2013

       The Bumble Bee who Couldn’tFfly. By  Rutendo

New York city not a land far, far away, but still one of the most magical cities in the world. Streets Buzzing with bees and colonies that seem to go on for ever. It’s the type of place where fairy tales seem to be possible, no matter who you are.

This isn’t one of your typical Cinderella story, no pumpkins, no mice, and no cinderella or at least not the one you’re used to. Meet Periwinkle.

She was young when she lost her mum & her wings, leaving her with  Justin Bee-ber her stepfather,and then there are these two Periwinkles stepsisters Fee-Bee and Honey-pie. Who are... how do I say this a bit buzzy in the head.

If I’m gonna let a fairy tale play out here I should probably tell you.Periwinkle has a talent even though she can't fly, collect pollen,and almost everything normal bees can do, she still has a talent which is unusual for a bee.

She didn’t know it then but she was going to change the future as we know it. When she was left at home alone she’d go up into the attic and start inventing.

One day as she was walking through the streets she and Beeritny Spears ran into each other. They had some coffee and talked. Beeritny Spears and Periwinkle felt they connected so much that  Beeritny invited her to a private party at the Richard club.

As they said their goodbyes Periwinkle walked home. On the way  there guess who she ran into..... Her father. He saw the invitation poking out of her bag, grabbed it in a hurry and flew off into the distance.

Periwinkle was so upset she could fly after him... but she had been inventing for years and there was only one way she would get into the party, Using her mechanic wings.

She put the jetwings on flew 30 cm fell and died.THE END. Huh I guess you can't live a fairy tale after all.

“Wait wait this is all wrong,” says the director “lets go from when she gets the wings on. And this time don't die follow the script”

She grabbed her wings flew 30cm when her jetwings abruptly stopped working, luckily the jetpack ran on grass;which she was coincidentally surrounded by.

She arrived at the Richard,outwitted security and just as she was about to approach Beeritny Spears  Honey-pie and Fee-bee approached her and dumped her in a ditch.

This is where I come in. I’m no fairy godmother but I could be the one to open the door of opportunity for her, and by that I mean literally open the door for her to get into the club. Just when all seemed hopeless Optomise Prime and I flew in and took Periwinkle to the club.

There Periwinkle not only found out that her wings were invisible and the most powerful throughout the universe she also found out her mother was still alive. Justin Bee-ber and his children went bankrupt. Periwinkle and her mother Tinkerbell fell happily ever after. The end
“CUT that’s it for the day lets wrap it up” says the director