Saturday, 19 April 2014

The Season of Lent

During the Season of Lent each student had to write a wonderful deed on a petal and glue them on the cross.

Each of the Year 8 students had children from different year levels to work with them on making flowers out of the 'wonderful deed' petals.

Our beautiful cross looked like this after our petals were made into flowers. That was an awesome effort everyone!

Reselience Drama - Session Two

This was session two of our reselience drama.

How could we make sure this hoop got though to the next person?

We're acting to get the balance, height and expression.

This time we had to do it differently and incorporate it with sound in the background.

A washing machine worked like this.....swish, swash, swish, swash!

We're pretty good with our listening skills.

Walking tall and freely, slow and fast without bumping unto each other.

A few had a nap when we had this 'calming down' at the end of this session. We had a fantastic time!

Resilience Drama - Session One

The first drama session on resilience was truly a boost to our learning. We were taught how to relax, let go of our shyness and be more confident. Anne and Michelle guided us through different relevant and enjoyable activities and games.

We introduced ourselves with some actions and everyone followed what we did.

Slow breathing to calm our nerves.....

They showed us how to mime a scene using facial expression.

This was so much fun, mirroring what someone else was doing!

We later had to act out in very slow motion with music and freeze in the end. The audience gave an assessment on how we performed. As beginners some of our performances were apparently amazing and polished. Wow!

The last 15 minutes was the winding down activity with Anne instructing us on how to relax.

All of us agreed what a wonderful time we had and we look forward to our next sessions. Thank you Anne and Michelle!