We had to find out about interesting things around the museum through the scavenger hunt working in pairs, group or on our own. There were a lot to see and explore.

This is fun, pretending to ride in an airplane.

We enjoyed our morning tea.

Chris was a great teacher. He gave us a hands-on understanding of the parts of the airplane and the concepts in detail of what cause it to fly.

Chris explained to us some wonderful stories about airplanes in the old days. Chistopher sat on a pilot"s chair.

James tried wearing the old pilot's jacket. Hmm...he looked good.

We tried to work out the ways an airplane flies.

We had to assemble the parts of the airplane.

Our finished work.....

Finally we had to demonstrate what we learned from Chis - the mechanics of how the airplane flies.

It was really a wonderful learning experience for all of us.