The Cutural Day on Waitangi Day is always celebrated at St Mary's School. There are a lot of children from different cultures. They had to get dressed in costumes of where they or their parents or grandparents come from and also brought food to share at lunch time. It was a special day for everyone.

The awesome Year 7-8 students of Room 5 in 2015.

Waiting for the school assembly...

Mr O'Neill began with a Maori welcome.

These Year 8's led the prayers.

Children of New Zealand descent are the biggest group at our school.

The Filipinos are the second biggest group.

Children with Maori heritage ......

The Samoan children.....

Those with European roots.....

Children with Scottish blood were holding the flag of Scotland.

Children with Indian parents.....

A Chilean student.....

They have East Timorese blood.....

From Zimbabwe.....

Our one and only South African girl.....

This is an array of delicious and colourful food from different countries.

The food was shared and enjoyed by everyone - what a treat.

It really was a great celebration of each other's rich culture. Ka ki te ano!
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