Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Health Forum

Our Health Group attended the Health Forum whith 12 schools and health agencies participating. It's a very interesting and informative morning. A pair from each member of the group had to explain what wellbeing means to their school while the other groups listened.

The Health Group from St Mary's include Iuvale, Mabel, Kiana, Amy, Lexi and Genevieve.

Mabel and Kiana was explaining to a group.

It's Lexi and Amy's turn.

Iuvale and Genevieve had their chance to discuss Wellbeing at St Mary's.

The students from Hornby Primary School were tellingthings they do at their school.

Representatives from the Mental Health Foundation asked when a person is mentally healthy.

Mabel, Amy, Lexi and Kiana were listening intently to an explanation .....

The Heart Foundation had in tubes the equivalent amount of fat from hot chips, burgers and other fried food.

We were allowed to ask questions if we had to.

Mr Wisnesky or Richard as he likes to be called is the organised of the Wellbeing programme in the school.

This was a good plan for what they will be doing to have a worm farm.

This was the Asthma Foundation where asthma was explained clearly to us. We really had a hands-on and enjoyable time during the Health forum.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Recount Writing

An Amazing Thing I Made

By Benzo
We are learning to use vivacious verbs in our story.

Something amazing I made was at Technology. It was the first ever thing I ever made that did what it was supposed to do. The thing I made was a pencil case. My pencil case wasn't the best pencil case. It had a lot of mistakes but I still liked it because I made it.

My pencil case didn't turn out the way I wanted it but I still liked it. My pencil case had my name sewed on it with orange fabric. It was surrounded with smiley faces and it had an orange zip on top.

My sewing wasn't the best because it was the first time I ever used a sewing machine. Because of that a lot of the fabric kept falling off. But over all, I liked what I made because even though it wasn't perfect I really enjoyed making it.

An Inspiring Older Person
By Genevieve
We are learning to write amazing adjectives to capture the mind of the reader.

He may be dead, but my grandfather, Jasper James La’Brooy, is still a memory in my father’s heart. I can’t remember him, mainly because I wasn’t born before he died, but my dad told me interesting stories about Grandad when he was still alive. He used to work in a lighthouse in a town called Tangasseri, Kerala, India, and we got free admission inside because we’re his family, so yay!

About the lighthouse, Tangasseri Lighthouse has a great structure and sports a spiral staircase that leads up into the little wooden room at the top with the lamp above it. There is one door, leading onto the balcony, where one can get great views of the ferocious sea. It pretty much has all the features that a normal lighthouse does, though there is something about it that makes it so special. Probably because my grandfather used to work in it.

Anyway, my grandfather owned a large house called Marie Villa, which was funny because my grandmother was called Marie. Parties were held frequently and I honestly wish I was alive then, although my dad said I wouldn’t get any sleep. But I still wanted to be there.

The point is, my grandfather was a very amazing person, judging from the stories that my dad told me. And now it’s very sad that I am not able to see him anytime during my life.

My Most Memorable Sports Event
By Chiara
We are learning to use vivacious verbs
in our story.

My most memorable sports event was my first ever one hundred  freestyle race. I was six  years old when I did it. I was getting ready for my most important race that I did know.

I was pumped up and very nervous to do it. I jumped on the blue starting block. I heard my whole family yelling my name, the whistle went and there was complete silence for about ten seconds. I jumped in with the other swimmers and went as hard as I could go.

I did proper tumble-turns and a proper finish. My dad was taking my time. When I finished my dad stopped the yellow and black timer. I didn’t look around to see in what place I was in.

I was too busy being tired, when I got out of the pool and my dad gave me a big hug. I got my robe and went to talk to my family. They congratulated me. When all of the races were finished I went to the medal ceremony.

They were giving out the medals for the one hundred freestyle. My dad was giving the gold medal out, he was looking at me with the medal in his hands. After a little bit I recognised that I got first place.

I went on the podium for my gold medal. I was so happy. When they were done with the medal celebration I went to my mum and got changed. When I was read we went out for lunch. I felt so proud of my self.     

A Random Act of Kindness
By Owen
We are learning to use words which link
the events in time.

It was a beautiful day at my family’s bach, the sun was shining and there was hardly any cloud in the sky. We were all down at the river and the current was particularly strong.

After we finished swimming we had lunch. We had ham & cheese sandwiches and they were yummy! My sister and I sat in a tree next to the river bank as she was eating. She started to wobble and then… splash! She had fallen in the river.

Very slowly she drifted nearer to the opening which fed into the actual raging river. I dived with my clothes on  and reached her. She was flailing her arms about and very distressed. I then grabbed her and swam back to the river bank. Finally she was fine but was very frightened. I was very proud that I saved her and so were my parents.    

Oops, I Forgot Something!
We are learning to use words that link events in time.

One day I was lying in bed and I had just woken up. I was lying under the cover wondering where I was. First I thought that I was dreaming so I pinched myself and yes I was dumb enough to do that. I have been told it worked. so no I was not dreaming.

I tried to think I knew that I was not at Dad’s but then I thought that I was at Mum’s which was a high chance of that happening because there was something purring behind me. I kept on thinking where was I. Then I started to freak out thinking something had happened that I had slept through.

After ten minutes I finally started to think straight. I came up with the idea to pull the covers off my head. Yes, it took me ten minutes to think about pulling the covers off my head to see where I was. I pulled them off and felt a very cold breeze. I rubbed my eyes and saw a big fat black and white cat, a cute puppy and a fish tank on top of a desk under a TV. It was then when remembered that I was staying at my best friend’s Penny in Nelson for week. This was something that I had forgotten.  

I Laughed Out Loud When…..
By Kiana

We are learning to use amazing adjectives to help create a picture

in the reader’s head.

It was just an ordinary hot day when you can feel the sun burning your skin and small amount of wind blowing through your face. We were walking to St Bede’s for my brother’s basketball try-outs and my legs were numb.

We finally arrived in St Bede’s. It was so hot, I felt like I was in a desert. We went inside the gym and it was gigantic. The moment I went inside the cold air rushed through my face and all that I was left to say was,  “Thank God.” I was so happy when I felt the cold air rushed through me, so I thought I should watch my brother play.

I sat on a smooth wooden bench beside my sister. We proudly watched our brother played basketball so well. For me he was the best player that ever played, I didn’t care what anyone thought.

He took a three pointer shot which made it in the  basket and slipped. When I saw him slip, I couldn’t resist it for I tried not to laugh, but I just couldn’t. My mouth was full of air and my stomach was becoming so painful. loud laugh just exploded. I was turning red and everybody was looking at me. Some were even laughing because of me. I felt a little bit embarrassed but at the same time I felt good.