Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Health Forum

Our Health Group attended the Health Forum whith 12 schools and health agencies participating. It's a very interesting and informative morning. A pair from each member of the group had to explain what wellbeing means to their school while the other groups listened.

The Health Group from St Mary's include Iuvale, Mabel, Kiana, Amy, Lexi and Genevieve.

Mabel and Kiana was explaining to a group.

It's Lexi and Amy's turn.

Iuvale and Genevieve had their chance to discuss Wellbeing at St Mary's.

The students from Hornby Primary School were tellingthings they do at their school.

Representatives from the Mental Health Foundation asked when a person is mentally healthy.

Mabel, Amy, Lexi and Kiana were listening intently to an explanation .....

The Heart Foundation had in tubes the equivalent amount of fat from hot chips, burgers and other fried food.

We were allowed to ask questions if we had to.

Mr Wisnesky or Richard as he likes to be called is the organised of the Wellbeing programme in the school.

This was a good plan for what they will be doing to have a worm farm.

This was the Asthma Foundation where asthma was explained clearly to us. We really had a hands-on and enjoyable time during the Health forum.

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