Monday, 3 October 2011


I was born and raised right here in New Zealand. I speak English and know no other language. What's so special about my family's culture you ask, well we may not go to Mass regularly, say our prayers every night or bless our food in the making but we still have a strong Catholic belief,
My family is much the same as any and we certainly do not have any cultural rules or any foreign culture at all.

My father doesn't have any beliefs. He has been to church once in his whole life and both his parents are from New Zealand. Well his adoptive parents are anyway, but he still respects the fact that my mother and I are Catholic.
My siblings on the other hand are still too young to understand about what we believe as Catholics. They can both speak fluent Maori and try to teach us as much Te Reo as possible.
My family is diverse in so many ways and we are proud to call New Zealand home.
Naomi Cole

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