Friday, 13 July 2012

Welcome back for term 3

Dear Parents and St Mary 's family

I hope you all had a restful break from the school routine. At least the shortest day is past now and hopefully we can look forward to lots of warm sunny days ahead.

There is another busy term ahead. We begin RE with the Communion of Saints strand where we talk about the most enduring aspect of what makes us human- our souls.

We haven't quite completed last term's Inquiry topic on the Solar System but when we have we will begin a new physics unit- Pulleys and Levers.

As always, please ensure your child uses Mathletics at home. The assignments I've set are directly related to their individual learning intentions in Maths.

The Arts take a front row seat this term as we prepare in earnest for the Music Festival at the beginning of next term as well as we will be very busy creating dances and finishing our masks for the Carnival of the Animals spectacular.

The third term is an exciting one in English too for our special topic is Debating. Parents input is welcome as your child prepares for his/her moment on the podium.

If you have any concerns or problems please don't hesitate to call in to talk about things.

God bless,

Kathleen Bradley

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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