"I am never ever babysitting again!" I screamed slamming the front door.That little monster ruined my weekend. First, as I walked in the door I got a face full of shaving cream and soap. I hadn't been here in a long time and I'm glad about it. I swear that thing had at least four cups of coffee before I came. He would not stop moving. I was so close to duct taping his mouth and tying him to a chair. But I'm not that mean.
Three hours; that was the deal. Unfortunately the parents decided to stay out for one more hour.
"They better pay me for this" I mumbled. I texted my friend about my troubles (mainly the little monster). She replied that she was near by and that she would come over as fast as she could. Walking into the lounge she said,
"So where is he?"
"Dunno," was all I replied flopping onto the couch. The T.V was blaring with some kids show but I didn't care. A small slurping noise came from the bathroom. Giving each other a questioning look we stood up silently. Making our way to the bathroom I heard a clatter.
" What was that?" she asked in a frightened voice. I opened the door quickly and we burst into the room!
"You little monster!!!" I screamed. The slurping stopped. That thing was sitting on the floor eating out of the ice cream container. I marched him outside, turned and started yelling. I didn't stop till my throat was raw. I calmed down after awhile. When my friend was leaving she asked,
"So how do you know him?"
"Unfortunately he is my little brother."
By Zora Rodricks :)
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Friday, 23 November 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Why is Mr O'Neill So Glum?
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Our winning essay from Daniel this week
It's the start of a new week when I'm tired and too lazy to come to school. I always feel like this at the start of a new week, but as soon as I walk through the school gates, I feel renewed and have a joyful smile on my face knowing my friends are waiting for me. Friends I think are the best part about school; but teachers I'm not to bothered about them. I do respect them for helping all of us kids, but sometimes they bring their problems to school. But there is one lad I admire and that's Mr O, short for Mr O'Neill. He's our school principal; he yells a lot, but he's only doing the right thing, just trying to make the school a better place and I respect that.
Lunch time's finished but I don't want to go inside. Us boys were having a good kick around playing football. But soon enough the duty teacher comes around and rains on our parade and we are forced to go inside. As I casually walk in through the office, I hear someone moping and whimpering. I thought all the teachers have smiles on their faces on Monday, but I guess one isn't so lucky today.
I look at Mrs Hill, concerned, but she doesn't pay any attention to the look on my face. So I walk to Mr O'Neill's office noticing I am getting closer to the sounds of sadness. I see Mr O 'Neill sitting at his desk, with his head tillted downwards. Now I'm even more concerned knowing it's my fav man Mr O. To tell the truth I've never actually been in Mr O'Neill's office. I'm pretty well behaved (if you no what I mean). I nosy around the room and surprise I see Reece Mastine..... YES! Reece Mastine posters all over the walls. I go blind for a second then finally getting to my senses. I see Mr O'Neill's head has finally popped up. I feel I have disturbed him for entering his Reece Mastine head space.
Before I can get out he screams at me like a little girl. As I race back to the class room, I try to forget the tragic scene I was in. You know, I've seem MrO'Neill telling people off outside his office. Well I guess you know why, huh.
The next day as I wake I swing open the curtains. It's a stunning day outside. But then Mr O pops into my head..... Oh well let's forget about him it's a lovely day outside. I'm set and ready for school so I'm off.
I arrive at school seeing all the kids playing outside enjoying the sun. Then out of the corner of my eye I catch Mr O'Neill. Mr O usually enjoys the sun, but he just walks across the playground dragging his feet along with him.
I enter the office about to ask Mrs Hill what on earth is wrong with Mr O. I come to a halt. Stopping myself. I think before I ask and remember the Reece Mastin posters. Didn't Reece Mastin have a concert in New Zealand. Yes he did I remember. Mr O must have missed the concert. That's why he's so depressed. He's obviously crazy about the guy.
I storm out of the office door, not minding anyone else, so as to end this reign of terror. I stride over to Mr O and tap him on the shoulder. He surprisingly turns around still moping. I reach my arm out so it's able to touch his face then I shockingly give him a good old slap right across his face. It is pretty ghastly. Mr O'Neill stops moping and looks directly at mme. I look back in terror wondering what's going to happen next.
His face gets even redder causing the slap mark to become camouflaged, and he yells,"DETENTION!" Well at least my favorite man is back to normal.
Location:Colombo St,Christchurch,New Zealand
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Where's the blue teddy bear?
is the Blue Teddy Bear?
my Lovey Wuvvy!!!”
It was four o’clock in the morning on a school
night. My EIGHTEEN year old brother, Hugh, was looking for his stuffed up
little blue teddy. Yeah that’s right, I’ve got an EIGHTEEN year old brother who
has a blue care bear as his “ONLY” sibling. He plays rugby; and he has a blue
teddy! He wears leather jackets, and white t-shirts like a tough boy and he
rides a motor bike; BUT HE STILL HAS THAT BLUE TEDDY!
was hoping to go to sleep at nine o’clock that night, but I guess that didn’t
happen after all of the squealing and screaming coming from Hugh’s room.
time, he wet his bed when he didn’t sleep with the teddy; he wasn’t four
though. He was 12. I felt sad for him.
you wanna hear what happens, well…
all started two days ago… I was in the kitchen with Mum. Dad was in his office,
still trying to write the book about having good children. How did he know what
a “GOOD” child is, because Hugh and I definitely aren’t the perfect little
Mum and I sat at the table awkwardly… I wondered what she thought of that ugly
blue bear. Just as I was wondering and asking myself questions Mum had a
brilliant idea and it was just what I was thinking. She spoke firmly and
clearly; I got it the first time; no need for her to repeat the question.
the bear from Hugh and I’ll give you $20.”
do anything to get rid of that thing; I’d even do it if she wasn’t paying me.
was weird at first because I realized that Mum was the one who had bought the
stupid thing and it was actually mine at first but… Hugh seemed to fall in love
with it and ran away with it into the sunset.
“Lovey Wuvvy” was in Hugh’s room waiting for Hugh to play with him.
searched through the pile of unwashed sports uniforms, leather jackets and
filthy skinny jeans; just to get the stupid teddy!
reached Hugh’s bed and found “Lovey Wuvvy” tucked in his pink floral blankets.
was going to be a baby for the rest of his life; he’s going to be in the corner
of his room acting too dramatic over this situation, like the world is going to
end because he doesn’t have his “Lovey Wuvvy” with him anymore.
boy! No internet for him anymore!
picked it up in my hands;
Mummy! Mummy!”
Isra, calm down, you’re just imagining all these things; I thought to myself.
was creeped out whenever I looked at it. It was staring at me with it’s ugly
black eyes.
I got the whole thing over with.
came back later that night. He went upstairs to find that Lovey Wuvvy is gone.
was Hugh.
was on the lap top doing homework later than I should have. Without warning
Hugh burst into the room without knocking on my door; which clearly has a knock
before you come in sign! He looked as if his head was going to explode.
Is. My. Lovey. Wuvvy.”
was never a good liar. But I guess Hugh was too dumb to even notice. I just
blamed it on my two month old baby cousin; and he actually believed me! Ha ha
ha, stupid brother.
didn’t JUST hide it though. I cut it up into little pieces; the way mum would
slice the tomatoes. THANK YOU MUM FOR SHOWING ME A GOOD TECHNIQUE! Or the way
Riddler would describe on the phone; THANK YOU TOO RIDDLER!
cut it with the knife that mum used to cut the tomatoes. When I was done I
studied it.
fluff in the insides was on my bedroom floor, the plastic eyes were nowhere to
be seen, and the left ear was sliced off.
now I regret it, because I can’t sleep at all anymore and… I looked in the
tools cupboard where I hid the stuffed up teddy. There was a trail of fluff;
that was probably from when I brought it in here first.
opened the cupboard to find that the teddy is not there.
Oh, I should probably fly to a place FAR FARAWAY from here and live there
forever. I’d rather be somewhere else than see Hugh find his “Lovey Wuvvy in
Friday, 9 November 2012
ASB Mathletics awards
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At assembly today Kylie Rochford from ASB came to give Room 5 the prizes they won in the Mathletics Challenge. First class in Canterbury and first school in Canterbury. The school won 10 soccer balls , each student won a hackey sack and we received two wall plaques.
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