This represents Jesus' cross which is also our cross.

Iuvale was elected as Jesus.

Kiana was Mary, Veronica was Isidora and the 'Women' were Michelle, Lexi and Molly.

Mr O'Neill led the 14 Stations of the Cross around the school ground. Jesus' way of the cross two thousand years ago and our "way" now are one. Jesus' life was incomplete until he crowned it by his death. Our 14 steps will only be complete when we have crowned them by our lives.

All the children participated and reverently took part in praying and reflecting.

The 1st Station - Jesus was Condemned to Death
My Lord, obedience cost you your life. Help usto realise that we have to follow what you will for us.

The 2nd Station - Jesus Takes His Cross
My Jesus, we take our daily cross. We welcome the discomforts of all kinds, the summer's heat, the winter' cold, our disappointments, tensions, setbacks, fears, worries and cares.

The 3rd Station - Jesus Falls the First Time
We willingly accept our weaknesses, irritations, moods, fatigue all our defects of body, mind and soul. Make us content with our discontents, but give us strength to struggle after you.

The 4th Station - Jesus Meets His Mother, Mary
My Jesus, We know that you are telling usto watch the pain of those we love is harder than to bear our own.

The 5th Station - Simon Helps Jesus Carry the Cross
Lord, make us realise that each time we feed the hungry, pray for others, or lend our hand in any way, matters. The kindness we extend to them, we really give to you.

The 6th Station - Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
Lord, live in us, act in us, and love in us, not in us alone, but in all men, so that we may reveal your glorious face on earth.

The 7th Station - Jesus Falls the Second Tme
Give us courage, Lord when problems come heavily on us. Stretch out our hand to lift us. Help us, Lord. Alone, there's nothing we can do. With you, we can do anything we ask. We will.

The 8th Station - Jesus Consoles the Women and Children
Lor, teach us and help us learn when we would snap at those who hurt us with their ridicule or misunderstanding. May gentleness and helpfulness become our cloak. Lord, make us to be kind like you.

The 9th Station - Jesus Falls the Third Time
Lord, we can see you take a moment's rest, then rise and stagger on. When all our strength is gone, protect us from sin, save us pfrom despair.

The 10th Station - Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
Lord, we offer you whatever we possess. Detach us from prestige, weath, position and help us to be humble and love our neighbour.

The 11th Station - Jesus is Nailed on the Cross
My Jesus, we look at you and think: is our soul worth this much?

The 12th Station - Jesus Dies on the Cross
My God, my God, forsake us not. We know not what we do.

The 13th Station - Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross.
Lord, help us to accept the partings that must come - from friends and family who go away, and most of all our dear ones when you shall call them. Give us the grace to say: as it has pleased you, Lord, to take them home and grant them eternal joy.

The 14th Station - Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
My Jesus, the teaching you could not impart, the sufferings you could not bear, the works of love you could not do in your short life on earth, let us impart, and bear and do through you. But we are nothing, Lord. Help us, guide us, be with us always.
May we accept each moment as it comes to us with faith and trust. So we seek Jesus who is always there for us. We take up our cross and with our lives we complete our way. Amen.
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