Tuesday, 16 September 2014

All New Zealand Citizens Who Don't Vote Should Pay a Fine

All New Zealand citizens who do not vote should pay a fine.
By Isidora
We are learning to persuade our readers with our opinion and use persuasive vocabulary.

As you all know the election is coming up soon on Saturday September 20. Some are very happy and excited, but then again others aren’t.

All New Zealand citizens should have the right to vote or not to vote. Some aren’t very interested in the election because they don’t usually vote, or they just don’t really want to vote in something they don’t really care about. Others may be interested to exercise their right to vote.

I’m utterly certain in saying that we should not have to be fined for not voting even if it’s only a little bit of money because some people don’t want to take the time to vote. Therefore they shouldn’t be fined for something they don’t want to do and that's their right.

So now here is the opinion of Lucy who thinks that non-voting citizens should be fined.

All New Zealand citizens who don’t vote should get a fine.
By Lucy
We are learning to persuade readers with strong vocabulary.

Voting is a very interesting thing. You think that all people would vote. I mean you have the power. If you are old enough, it should be an honour to be able to vote. Imagine if you had a favourite party, and they lost to your least favourite party, by two votes. If you had voted, it could have been a draw.

I think that everyone should vote on Saturday September 20. I think that you should be punished for not voting. Though it really depends on how much they are fined. They are fined twenty dollars. I almost think they should be getting fined more! Oh don’t worry about voting, its just people making decisions for the whole country for three years.

I think that yes, people should be fined, because it is the fate of the whole country on your hands. Why wouldn’t you vote? The only reason I can see to why you wouldn’t vote, is that you couldn’t reach a voting place. If you got fined, everyone would have an opinion, and the voting system would be fair. What if all the people who were for Labour, decided that they couldn’t be bothered voting, and all the National people thought it would be a great day for a vote!

I personally think that yes they should be fined. I almost think that they should be fined more than twenty dollars, because the whole country is relying on your vote.

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