Six groups looked into the books in the Learning Centre and followed the statistical enquiry cycle. Each group was assigned five to six shelves. For the purpose of our investigation we had to ask a question and find out what are the variables. Our plan included collecting our data using a tally. We organised our data through the information we collected. For analysis we used graphs to make sense of the data. Our conclusion answered our questions with reasons based on our analysis.

Finally the different groups presented their work to the class.

How many less picture books are there than chapter books? We found out that there were 33 less picture books than there are picture books.

Which has the least authors in each of the six shelves? The second shelf has less number of authors.

How many are chapter books? There are 35 chapter books out of 160 books.

How many books are in each shelf and which has the most books? Shelf 2 has the most books.

How many books have faces on the cover? Fifty- three books have faces on the cover, others have none or have things on the cover.

How many are chapter, knowledge and children- themed? There are more children's books than any other types of books.
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