Sunday 17 May 2015

Opposite Poems

We wrote these fun "Opposite Poems" 
which speak for themselves.

                           A rough day, a smooth night
                             A chilly wind, a warm fire
                              Always sad, never happy
                                  All is lost, no hope
                           The clever dog, a stupid cat
                     Silent as the night, noisy as the day
                       Staying at home, going far away
                       Going on tours, staying at home
                        Going bowling, not being lazy
                            Now excited, not gloomy
                         Getting tired, away from fresh
                            Not tidy, but a huge mess
                  The night has started, the day has ended


Wild as a lion, calm as a cat.
Lazy dog, playful puppy.
Perky kangaroo, sleepy wallaby.
Small as a snail, tall as a giraffe.
Young horse, old horse.
Happy dog, sad cat.
Free as a bird, trapped as a mouse.
Strong rhino, weak kitten.
Sunny day, dark night.
Light as feather, heavy as an elephant.
Quiet as the sky, loud like a dolphin.
Smart wolf, silly tiger.

Loud dog barking, quiet cat sleeping
Strong man lifting wood, weak girl being sick
Sunny day for a walk, cold night watching TV
Tasty food out of restaurant, disgusting drinks 
in the pub
Fast plane in the air, slow boy on the beach
Poor family working hard, rich man doing nothing
Hot coffee boiling, cold water freezing
Dirty clothes being cleaned, clean food
being eaten
Working computer in Technology, broken house
being repaired
Hard work at school, less answers
to easy questions
Tall mountains in the forest, small hills in the village
Interesting news on TV, boring games
on the computer
Heavy animals in the farm, light feather in the classroom.
Brown like a tree, green like a leaf
Tall and strong man, small and skinny woman
Handsome prince, ugly frog
Hot chocolate , cold smoothie
Polite princess, rude old man
Remember memories, forget pasts
Bright as daylight, dark nights
Dirty Dishes, clean floor
Yummy chippys, old biscuits
Awesome day, tiring mind
Flowers are pretty, slugs aren't
Amazing soap opera, Late night
Heavy stone, light worm
Beer is good, wine is disgusting
Bananas are slimy, apples are juicy
Prince charming, Princess grumpy
Passionate about modelling, dislike takeaways
X factor exciting, Dorisbumpuss book  boring
Unhealthy sweet pie, healthy fruit and veges.
Ancient pyramids, modern technology
Quiet room, loud outside
Freezing meat, melting cheese
Black cat, white paper
Strong tree, weak bush
Sit down, stand up
Colourful rainbow, bland shadows
Handsome prince, ugly witch
Dangerous gun, safe shelter
Dark knight, light light
Stealthy assassin, noisy rambo
Long cords, short stool
False hackers, legit gamers
Multitasking programer, focused karate master
Awesome world, poopy job
Round donut, stiff tree
Addicted smokers, moderate drinkers
Liquid lava, air oxygen
Paper wins, rock losses
Four limbs, two ears.


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